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Forest Trees
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Meet Zae


It takes a Wild Heart to live in this world. 
The kind that sings at sundown,

dances with pain,

grieves into growth, 

and slows down enough to

find breath  ( "inhale"  "exhale" )
amongst the constant rush of modern life. 


A Wild Heart lets control go 

allows the internal and relational to unfold. 

It craves awareness

and participates in the world with

agency and accountability. 


A Wild Heart is bold and courageous, 

piercing barriers that challenge

fully, vulnerably, and honestly being exactly 

your sweet wild self.

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"Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life" 

-Mary Oliver

Lessons of the Fungal Heart 



Allow me to introduce you to The Fungal Heart

When your heart is the foundation,  joy, life, and imagination fill the soil with rich nutrients. When we suffer trauma, grief, bitterness, and sorrow build.

Sprouting from the canals are fungi. They grow in the heart doing an important job. In fact, they take the toxins of the grief, bitterness, and sorrow and process them to create themselves! 


In healthy forests a wide variety of fungi sprout. After rainfalls often you will see them. Their mycelial veins distribute nutrients all across the soil. When mushrooms arrive, it is a sign that the soil is receiving the care it needs.


There are specific kinds of fungi that can break down toxins like pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides, giving restoration back to the microbial life in the soil.

Rewilding "sick" soil using fungi can generate healthy biodiversity, the makings of a healthy ecosystem. 


Accordingly, fungi show up in the liminal space of an ecosystem, the space between death and new life. It is in this space that healing happens. 

At Wild Heart Therapies, The Fungal Heart symbolize a crucial lesson for grief. When our hearts endure death or loss, Fungi remind us that there is the capacity for new life. That with proper care, we can hold and grow through the losses we suffer and create ourselves anew, growing with the gifts of our grief.

There is a wild ecosystem around you

and within you. Loving our wild keeps us connected to the truth and hope that although things come to an end, we have the capacity to create again and again. 



1: Stamets, P. (2005) Myclieum Running. 

Let's Connect

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In-Person: Andersonville, Chicago

Virtually: Serving Illinois & New York 

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Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm 


Wild Heart Therapies

Love Our Wild

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